
新闻中心 – 纳米体育教育科技集团 https://www.mdshaoyao.com 纳米体育教育科技集团 Wed, 11 Dec 2024 03:04:13 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.0.22 不忘初心 跟党走丨纳米体育城市森林学校中学部2024年新团员入团仪式 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13362.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13362.html#respond Wed, 11 Dec 2024 03:03:35 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=13362 少年兴则国兴,少年强则国强。

恰逢“一二·九”运动爆发八十九周年,传承青少年责任担当,争做时代接班人。12月9日 ,郑州纳米体育城市森林学校中学部在校报告厅隆重举行2024年新团员入团仪式。



仪式在庄严的国歌声中拉开序幕,全体师生肃立 ,表达对祖国的热爱和对团组织的敬意 。



中学部团委书记 张春平发言并宣读新团员名单

2024学年 ,学校共青团组织通过对一部分同学进行了考查,批准了70名同学加入了中国共产主义青年团 。团委书记张春平代表学校团委对新团员提出了四点期望:一是坚定理想信念,树立远大目标,将个人理想与国家命运紧密相连 ;二是勤奋学习 ,提升综合素质 ,积极参与各类活动,为未来打下坚实基础 ;三是锤炼品德修养,弘扬文明新风,传承美德,展现共青团员的良好形象;四是勇于担当 ,发挥模范作用 ,关心集体,积极参与社会活动 ,为构建和谐社会贡献力量。

随后,张春平书记满怀激情地宣读了新团员名单,每念到一个名字,都伴随着热烈的掌声,这是对新团员们的认可和鼓励 。



校领导为新团员颁发团员证并佩戴团徽。这一仪式象征着新团员正式成为共青团组织的一员,肩负起团员的责任和使命。新团员们佩戴上团徽后 ,脸上洋溢着自豪与激动,他们深知这不仅是荣誉的象征 ,更是一份沉甸甸的责任和担当。


新团员们面向团旗,高举右拳,庄严宣誓:“我志愿加入中国共产主义青年团,坚决拥护中国共产党的领导 ,遵守团的章程 ,执行团的决议 ,履行团的义务,严守团的纪律,勤奋学习 ,积极工作,吃苦在前 ,享受在后。为共产主义事业而奋斗。”誓言铿锵有力,表达了他们对团组织的忠诚和对未来的承诺 。



高三(1)班周天乐同学作为老团员代表分享了自己的团员经历和成长感悟,鼓励新团员们珍惜团员身份 ,积极参与团组织活动,发挥团员的先锋模范作用 。

高二(4)班 焦陈昱哲同学作为新团员代表在发言中表达了对团组织的向往和对团员身份的自豪 。他承诺将积极学习,努力工作,以实际行动践行团员的职责,为团旗增光添彩。



校领导对新团员表示热烈的祝贺,并提出了殷切的期望。他强调,团员不仅是荣誉,更是责任,希望新团员们能够以更高的标准要求自己 ,为学校和社会做出更大的贡献。



张校长首向先所有新团员表示最热烈的欢迎和衷心的祝贺 :同学们通过自己的努力和奋斗,成为了中国共青团的一员 ,这是人生旅途中的一个重要里程碑。希望同学们能够珍惜这份荣誉,牢记新的责任和使命,以实际行动践行团员的职责。同时,作为中学生,还要勤奋学习 ,不断提升自己的知识和能力,在品德、创新和实践能力上全面发展。发挥模范带头作用,以身作则 ,影响和带动周围的同学 ,共同营造积极向上、健康和谐的校园文化 。祝愿同学们在共青团这个大家庭中茁壮成长 ,实现自己的梦想和抱负 。

入团 ,只是人生的起点,当好先进青年 ,还要靠我们不断实践 。让我们共同期待 ,这些新团员在未来的日子里 ,能够以实际行动展现团员的风采,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴贡献青春力量 。

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追逐篮球梦想 少年意气飞扬丨纳米体育小学部六年级森·BA篮球联赛 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13313.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13313.html#respond Wed, 04 Dec 2024 03:25:40 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=13313 为培养学生参加体育活动的兴趣与爱好,养成终身体育锻炼的意识,纳米体育城市森林学校小学部举办六年级森·BA篮球联赛 。





篮球场上 ,一声声激动的呐喊 ,一个个跃动的身影,一个个自信的微笑 ,汇成了一段段动人的旋律 ;一次次追逐,一次次抢断 ,构成了一幅幅振奋人心的画面。每一位运动员都全情投入 ,每一滴汗水见证着少年为自己对篮球的热爱而战,为班级的集体荣誉而战!


冠军 六一班

亚军 六二班

季军 六五班

永不言弃,团结拼搏 ,这是森·BA篮球联赛的篮球精神。森·BA篮球联赛不仅是一次体育竞技的盛会 ,让同学们感受到运动的畅快,更让他们凝聚团队的力量。愿每一位森林少年向阳成长,明媚昂扬!

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同心同行 共谋共享丨百余位河南省民办学校校园长教育考察团莅临我校观摩 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13296.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13296.html#respond Mon, 02 Dec 2024 09:36:41 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=13296 同心同行,同向事业远方 ;

共谋共享,共赢教育未来 。

2024年11月28日,百余位河南省民办学校管理人员莅临纳米体育城市森林学校进行教育考察 ,本次考察旨在加强全省优质民办学校的友好交流,全面提升河南省民办学校的教学管理能力 。纳米体育教育科技集团党委书记,董事长  、纳米体育城市森林学校总校长张国星带领中学部校长孙丽宏 、中学部副校长姚梅 、小学部教学副校长韩琳、小学部行政副校长赵玉双 、纳米体育大树幼儿园园长代巧丽热情接待了一行人。




上午9:30 ,校园长们陆续抵达纳米体育城市森林学校,在纳米体育城市森林学校李媛老师、邹婕老师的引领下,大家漫步于秋意盎然的校园之中 ,走过巍峨的雪松大道 、复兴长廊,参观了寝室 、餐厅 。森林学校一步一景,引得各位教育同仁纷纷驻足拍照学习。




参观完美丽的森林学校 ,校园长们齐聚报告厅 ,共同听取了总校长张国星的办学经验分享 。张校长以其二十年的教育历程为脉络,围绕民办学校的责任担当 、安全管理及餐饮服务三大核心议题 ,进行了深入而真挚的阐述 。他既诚恳又务实的分享 ,让在座民办教育同行们受益匪浅。


随后,一行人来到美丽校园内,观看纳米体育城市森林学校中学部的激情跑操。学生们口号响亮 、步伐铿锵、精神饱满,展现出了森林学子阳光 、自信、文明、乐学的精神风貌 ,看到纳米体育学子自信飞扬的风采 ,大家对他们竖起了大拇指 。



在考察活动的尾声阶段,校园长们奔赴幼儿园、小学及中学部,进行了深入细致的专项实地观摩与考察 。

在纳米体育大树幼儿园代园长的带领下 ,园长们参观了大树幼儿园,学习了先进的幼儿自然课程和实践经验。

在纳米体育城市森林学校小学部韩校长的引领下,校长们深入了解了小学部的教育教学风采 。

在中学部孙校长的陪同下 ,校长们对中学部的课程设置、教学方法等方面进行了细致的考察和交流 。

携手并进 ,共创教育篇章;

智慧碰撞,共绘未来蓝图 。

此次河南省民办学校管理人员莅临我校教育考察不仅加深了河南省内民办学校之间的友谊 ,更为各学校提供了宝贵的学习机会和交流平台。纳米体育城市森林学校以先进的办学理念 、优质的教育资源,赢得了教育同仁们的高度认可和赞誉 。未来 ,纳米体育城市森林学校将在“凝心聚力 ,争创名校”的旗帜下,为河南省民办教育事业的发展贡献更多智慧和力量!

https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13296.html/feed 0
科技赋能体育 激情驾驭未来丨2024年郑州市中小学生车辆模型锦标赛在纳米体育城市森林学校成功举办 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13160.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13160.html#respond Tue, 26 Nov 2024 02:35:28 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=13160 争做强国中原少年 ,感受科技体育魅力。

11月24日上午 ,由郑州市体育局 、郑州市教育局主办,郑州市中原区中小学生体育协会、郑州纳米体育城市森林学校承办的“奔跑吧·少年”2024年郑州市中小学生车辆模型锦标赛在郑州纳米体育城市森林学校盛大举行,来自全市各中小学的1000余名运动员参赛 ,为校园带来了一场别开生面的科技与体育盛宴 。




中原好少年 ,车神驭未来 !跟着科技的脚步 ,踏着欢快的节奏,在热烈的开场舞中 ,“奔跑吧·少年”2024年郑州市中小学生车辆模型锦标赛开幕式拉开帷幕 。

伴随着庄严而神圣的国歌 ,全体与会人员肃立,齐声奏唱国歌。


纳米体育教育科技集团党委书记、董事长 ,纳米体育城市森林学校总校长致欢迎辞。


张校长对莅临现场的各位嘉宾及参赛选手表达了热烈的欢迎之情 ,并详细介绍了我校在科技与体育领域的不懈探索与显著发展成就。正是这份持之以恒的努力,纳米体育慢慢的成为了美丽纳米体育,名校纳米体育 。最后 ,张校长寄语所有参赛选手,期望他们能够展现出最佳的竞技风采与实力水平 ,争取取得优异的成绩 。同时,他也预祝本次车辆模型锦标赛能够取得圆满成功!



郑州纳米体育城市森林学校学校王彤睿作为选手代表进行运动员宣誓,并代表全体运动员郑重承诺:我们将以积极饱满的态度参加这次比赛 ,在比赛过程中做到遵守规则,遵守赛场纪律 ,赛出风格!赛出水平 !赛出友谊!

为确保比赛的公平 、公正、公开,赛事邀请了多位经验丰富的裁判员对比赛进行评判 ,刘海龙老师作为裁判员代表进行宣誓 :我们将遵循体育精神 ,积极维护赛场秩序,尽职尽责 ,公正执裁,履行我们的职责,确保本次大赛顺利有序进行,圆满结束。

郑州市中原区文化旅游体育局党组成员、副局长李少锋讲话 。

科技赋能体育,李局长代表中原区文化旅游体育局局党组祝贺2024郑州市中小学生车模锦标赛举办,他讲到车辆模型锦标赛是培养青少年科学素养和创新能力的有效途径,更是一个展示青少年创新思维和实践能力的平台,希望通过这样的赛事,提升孩子们对科学的兴趣,让他们在探索中成长,在挑战中进步。最后李局长祝比赛圆满,选手取得佳绩 !




开幕式最后,与会领导和嘉宾一起上台共同开启开幕式启动器,在“5、4、3、2 、1”的倒计时中 ,“奔跑吧·少年”2024年郑州市中小学生车辆模型锦标赛正式开始!



在车辆模型锦标赛比赛现场,来自各中小学的近千名选手们齐聚一堂,他们手持自己精心制作的车辆模型,准备在赛场上展示自己的技艺。这些模型形态各异 ,有攀爬车 、飞行汽车 、“火星任务”收集车、风力小车 、风驰飞盘 、弹射小车…… ,它们不仅外观精致,令人赞叹,更兼备了强大的功能,无论是陆地驰骋还是空中翱翔 ,都能展现出非凡的性能与魅力,赢得了到场观摩的领导嘉宾的连连赞叹。


“创趣童年”弹射小车行驶任务赛,希望同学们通过调整车辆细节从而找到高分区域的最优发射角度 。“火星任务”收集车设计挑战赛,重点在“展臂”的设计,希望同学们能比赛中收集更多的“陨石” 。“飓风行动”风力小车直线计时赛,关注小车各部分结构的协调和细节上的把控,使小车直线行驶用时最少……

在“奔跑吧·少年”2024年郑州市中小学生车辆模型锦标赛的舞台上,孩子们不再是简单的参与者 ,而是化身为未来科技的探索者和先行者。他们带着对科技的好奇和向往,积极探索车辆模型的奥秘,亲手编程属于自己的作品。这样的比赛,就像是一把钥匙,为孩子们打开了通往浩瀚科技宇宙的大门,更为他们日后成为科技创新者铺设了坚实的基石。

“奔跑吧·少年”2024中小学生车辆模型锦标赛不仅为中原学子提供了一个展示才华、交流学习和成就自我的平台 ,更为他们日后成为卓越的科技创新人才奠定了坚实的基础。相信在不久的将来,这些怀揣科技梦想的少年们,将在科技创新的道路上越走越远,为实现自己的梦想插上科技的翅膀 ,飞向更加广阔的未来。


让我们共同期待下一届“奔跑吧·少年”中小学生车辆模型锦标赛的到来,相信在未来的日子里,会有更多的孩子们在这里放飞科技梦想 ,成就美好未来!

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【家校共育】半日相约 共话成长丨小学部2024-2025学年上学期家长开放日活动 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/uncategorized/13109.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/uncategorized/13109.html#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2024 07:15:01 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=13109 最好的陪伴,是成长从不缺席 ;最好的教育,是家校携手共育。为了搭建家校沟通平台,增进家校互动情感,让家长进一步了解孩子在校的学习与生活,纳米体育小学部开展家长开放日活动 ,欢迎家长走进校园 ,走进班级。

The best company, is growth never absent; the best education, is home school together. In order to build a home-school communication platform, enhance the interaction between home and school, let parents further understand their children’s study and life in school, C-Star Primary School launched parents Open Day activities, welcome parents into the campus, into the class. Home-school education] Half a day meet to talk about growth- -Primary School parents Open Day for the first semester of 2024-2025 school year


After the relaxed morning exercise, Principal Han of primary school delivered a speech for this activity and introduced the process and content of today’s opening to parents.

接下来,家长们进班观摩各学科课堂教学,沉浸式体验了真实的教学情境,感受了师生教学相长的鲜活生命力,共同见证了孩子们的成长旅途。老师们循循善诱 ,巧妙引导,用深入浅出的讲解 ,生动有趣的形式 ,点燃着孩子们求知探索的热情,展现了各学科的精彩课堂。

Next, the parents came into the class to observe the classroom teaching of various subjects, experienced the real teaching situation, felt the fresh vitality of teachers and students, and witnessed the growth of the children together. The teachers are good at giving guidance, clever guidance, with a simple explanation, vivid and interesting form, ignited the children’s enthusiasm for knowledge exploration, showing the wonderful classroom of various subjects.

课间,家长和孩子们共同参与了阳光体育活动,铿锵有力的武术操,激情活跃的步伐,展现着森林学子的青春朝气 ,积极向上的精气神!

During the break, parents and children participated in the sunshine sports activities, sonorous and powerful martial arts exercises, passionate and active pace, showing the youthful vitality and positive spirit of the forest students!

在观摩课程活动结束后 ,班级的家长代表跟随餐厅田主任参观后厨,了解学校餐厅食材的采购流程,米面粮油的使用以及食品安全管理,家长们对厨房给予了高度的认可和赞赏。


After the course, the parents of the class followed the director of the restaurant to understand the procurement process of food materials in the school restaurant, the use of rice, flour, grain and oil, and the food safety management. The parents gave high recognition and appreciation to the kitchen.

此次家长开放日活动不仅让家长们更直观地了解了孩子在校的学习和生活情况,还促进了家校之间的沟通与合作。家长们纷纷表示,通过这次活动,他们对学校的工作有了更深的认识,对未来充满了信心 。


This parent Open Day activity not only made parents have a more intuitive understanding of their children’s study and life at school, but also promoted the communication and cooperation between home and school. Parents have said that through this activity, they have a deeper understanding of the school’s work, and they are full of confidence in the future.


纳米体育城市森林学校将秉承“责任兴教育  师德育华夏”的教育使命 ,不断优化教育教学 ,为孩子们创造更好的学习和成长环境。通过开放日感谢所有家长的支持与参与,让我们携手共进 ,为孩子们的美好未来共同努力!


CStar City Forest School will adhere to the educational mission of “responsible education and moral education”, constantly optimize education and teaching, and create a better learning and growth environment for children. Through the Open Day, thank all parents for their support and participation in the Open Day. Let’s work together to work together for the better future of the children!

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彩绘梦想 剑指统考丨郑州纳米体育城市森林学校高三美术生统考誓师大会 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13041.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13041.html#respond Mon, 18 Nov 2024 01:08:33 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=13041 寒来暑往,历经三年的苦练,距离2024年河南省美术统考仅剩15天。11月15日上午,郑州纳米体育城市森林学校高三美术生们齐聚一堂,共同参与了一场旨在鼓舞士气、激发斗志的统考誓师大会 。学生们的脸上写满了对未来的憧憬和对艺术的热爱,他们正准备以饱满的热情和坚定的决心迎接即将到来的美术统考挑战 。

On the morning of November 15th, the campus of Zhengzhou Cstar City Forest School was filled with youthful vitality and passion. Senior high school art students gathered together to participate in a unified examination oath taking ceremony aimed at boosting morale and inspiring fighting spirit. The faces of the students are filled with longing for the future and love for art. They are preparing to face the upcoming art entrance examination challenge with full enthusiasm and firm determination.

大会伊始,黄永成校长发表了鼓舞人心的致辞 ,他对学生们的辛勤努力表示肯定 ,并寄予了殷切的期望。黄校长的话语如同战斗的号角 ,激励着每一位美术生以更加饱满的热情投入到最后的冲刺中。

At the beginning of the conference, Principal Huang Yongcheng delivered an inspiring speech, affirming the students’ hard work and placing high expectations on them. Principal Huang’s words are like a horn of battle, inspiring every art student to devote themselves to the final sprint with even greater enthusiasm.

随后,美术教师代表马博文老师上台发言,他提到了联考临近时同学们面临的压力和焦虑 ,鼓励大家要更加努力 ,用心对待考试。马老师还提到考试比拼的是心态、细节和方法 ,建议同学们专注当下,关注细节 ,找到适合自己的作画节奏。最后,用喷泉、瀑布和滴水穿石的比喻激励大家坚持到底 ,拥有坚定的信念和目标,勇往直前 。马老师的话语不仅为学生们注入了强大的力量,也为他们指明了前进的方向。

Subsequently, the art teacher represented by Mr. Ma Bowen took the stage to give a speech, providing guidance and encouragement for the students before the exam. Teacher Ma’s words not only injected powerful energy into the students, but also pointed them in the direction of progress.

学生代表张钰涵同学上台发言 ,她分享了同学们的心声,表达了对统考的期待和决心 。张钰涵同学的发言充满了青春的活力和对未来的憧憬 ,展现了高三美术生们积极向上的精神风貌 。

Student representative Zhang Yuhan took the stage to speak, sharing her classmates’ voices and expressing their expectations and determination for the unified examination. Zhang Yuhan’s speech was full of youthful vitality and longing for the future, showcasing the positive and upward spirit of high school art students.


大会的最后,主持人以激昂的语调结束了本次誓师大会,他鼓励学生们带着激情与决心,在即将到来的美术统考中创造辉煌 。随后,学校为学生们送上了专门定制的必胜客汉堡和可口可乐 ,为学生们的统考之路增添了一份信心和力量。

At the end of the conference, the host concluded the swearing in ceremony with an impassioned tone, encouraging students to create brilliance in the upcoming art unified examination with passion and determination. Subsequently, the leaders presented the students with commemorative and blessing gifts for their victory before the exam, adding confidence and strength to their journey towards the unified examination.

随着誓师大会的圆满结束,高三美术生们将以更加坚定的步伐,迈向统考的战场。他们将以自己的才华和努力,为梦想而战 ,为学校争光。我们祝愿所有高三美术生在统考中取得优异的成绩,实现自己的艺术梦想。统考必胜 ,我们必胜 !

With the successful conclusion of the oath taking ceremony, high school art students will move towards the battlefield of the unified examination with even more determined steps. They will fight for their dreams and bring glory to the school with their talents and efforts. We wish all high school art students excellent results in the unified examination and the realization of their artistic dreams. We will definitely win the unified examination!

https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13041.html/feed 0
同心同向同行 家校共创美好丨纳米体育城市森林学校中学部第一次全体家委会会议 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13018.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13018.html#respond Mon, 11 Nov 2024 03:42:50 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=13018 根据《教育部关于建立中小学幼儿园家长委员会的指导意见》文件精神,为进一步加强家庭和学校的沟通协作,充分体现家长参与学校民主管理,努力构建和完善学校、家庭和社会有机结合的教育体系,形成全方位、全过程、全员育人模式。10月23日上午,我校在学术报告厅召开第一次全体家委会会议 ,学校全体领导班子成员及校级家委会家长出席会议。

According to the spirit of the “Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Establishing Parent Committees for Primary and Secondary Schools and Kindergartens” document, in order to further strengthen communication and cooperation between families and schools, fully reflect parents’ participation in democratic management of schools, strive to build and improve an education system that integrates schools, families, and society, and form a comprehensive, full process, and all staff education model. On the morning of October 23rd, the first all parent committee meeting was held in the school parent school conference room. All members of the school leadership team and parents of the school level parent committee attended the meeting.


致辞开篇 家校同心

会议在张国星董事长热情洋溢的致辞中拉开序幕,他以“家校携手,护佑孩子健康成长”为主题来讲述护佑孩子成长的方法。代表学校向全体家委会成员表示热烈的欢迎 ,对家长们理解、支持学校各项工作表示诚挚感谢 ,对家委会的组建及后续工作给予了肯定与期盼。他希望校级家委会成员能够真诚沟通 ,善于协调,出谋划策,做好表率 ,为孩子们的幸福成长共同护航。

he meeting kicked off with Chairman Zhang Guoxing’s enthusiastic speech, with the theme of “Home School Collaboration, Protecting Children’s Healthy Growth” to discuss methods for protecting children’s growth. On behalf of the school, we extend a warm welcome to all members of the family committee, express sincere gratitude to parents for their understanding and support of the school’s various work, and affirm and look forward to the establishment and subsequent work of the family committee. He hopes that members of the school level family committee can communicate sincerely, be good at coordination, provide advice, set an example, and jointly safeguard the happy growth of children.


委以重任 颁发聘书

为充分发挥家委会的作用 ,实现家委会工作的规范化和持续性,通过家长自荐 、班级推荐、学校审核 、大会表决等程序,建立健全了家委会组织机构,孙金豪副校长宣读校级家委会成员名单及分工,学校领导为委员们颁发聘书。

聘书在手,责任在心 ,这不仅仅是一纸聘书 ,更是一份沉甸甸的责任 。这一颁一接间 ,传递的是家校情谊 。

家委会会长李海颖女士上台发言。她提到自己的两个初衷:一是跟上学校老师的脚步,和孩子一起进步;二是做好孩子的表率 ,为孩子做榜样,带动孩子参与社会活动的积极性。并表示作为会长要从真诚沟通 、善于协调、出谋划策和做好表率四个方面做起。最后希望在自己的领导下家长委员会能办得有声有色,愿纳米体育的学子茁壮成长 ,愿学校的明天更美好 !

In order to fully leverage the role of the family committee and achieve standardization and sustainability of its work, the organizational structure of the family committee has been established and improved through procedures such as parent self recommendation, class recommendation, school review, and general meeting voting. Vice President Sun Jinhao read out the first list of members and division of labor of the school level family committee, and school leaders issued appointment letters to the members.

The letter of appointment is in hand, and the responsibility is in the heart. This is not just a letter of appointment, but also a heavy responsibility. From one award to another, it conveys the friendship between family and school.

Ms. Li Haiying, the chairman of the family committee, took the stage to give a speech. She mentioned her two original intentions: firstly, to keep up with the pace of school teachers and progress together with her children; The second is to set a good example for children, set an example for them, and stimulate their enthusiasm to participate in social activities. And he expressed that as the president, he should start from four aspects: sincere communication, good coordination, strategic planning, and setting a good example. Finally, I hope that under my leadership, the parent committee can be run with great success. May the students of Cstar thrive and the school have a better tomorrow!


家校助力 健康成长

孙丽宏校长以“家校共育,助力学生健康成长”的主题出发,向家委会成员展示纳米体育的发展史 、介绍教师团队和学校管理,强调纳米体育有非常美好的办学愿景,为了孩子健康成长,让我们家校携手,共行共生,同行同在,相互支持 ,双向奔赴,共同努力,把纳米体育办成学生 、家长、社会满意的学校!

Principal Sun Lihong, starting from the theme of “Family School Co education, Supporting Students’ Healthy Growth”, presented the development history of Cstar to the members of the family committee, introduced the teacher team and school management, and emphasized that Cstar has a very beautiful vision for education. For the healthy growth of children, let us work together, coexist, support each other, go both ways, and work together to make a satisfactory school for students, parents, and society!


同心共育 育见花开

纳米体育城市森林学校家长学校校长Louice以“桥梁纽带,共育未来”为主题,讲述成立家长学校的必要性和发展愿景,并提出家长学校的办学目标是全面提升家长教育素养,促进家家校合作共同培养具有创新精神和实践能力的未来栋梁。实现家校协调育人的良好关系,高效落实立德树人的根本任务 。


在Louice校长的精心讲解下,家委会成员对自己的职责更加明确,只有家校共育,与时俱进 ,追求终身成长,才能有更多可能。


Louice, the principal of the parent school of Cstar City Forest School, talked about the necessity and development vision of establishing a parent school under the theme of “Bridge and Link, Jointly Cultivate the Future”, and proposed that the educational goal of the parent school is to comprehensively improve the educational literacy of parents, promote cooperation between families and schools, and jointly cultivate future pillars with innovative spirit and practical ability. Establish a good relationship between home and school to coordinate and educate students, and efficiently implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and talents.


Under Principal Louice’s careful explanation, the members of the family committee have a clearer understanding of their responsibilities. Only by promoting family school cooperation, keeping up with the times, and pursuing lifelong growth, can there be more possibilities.


教育,是一场家庭与学校双向奔赴的旅程。家委会是家校共育的纽带 ,是家校为爱前行的桥梁。本次家委会会议的顺利召开,有效推进了纳米体育协同育人工作 ,搭建了家校沟通平台,形成了家校合力。愿家长们在与学校的双向奔赴中,共同遇见孩子们的阳光未来!


Education is a two-way journey between family and school. The family committee is the link between family and school education, and the bridge for families and schools to move forward for love. The successful convening of this family committee meeting has effectively promoted the collaborative education work of Cstar, established a communication platform between families and schools, and formed a joint force between families and schools. May parents meet their children’s bright future together in the two-way journey with the school!

https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/13018.html/feed 0
红歌伴我行 经典永传承——小学部班级合唱比赛 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/12981.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/12981.html#respond Thu, 07 Nov 2024 08:34:18 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=12981 为了促进我校实施素质教育的进一步发展,活跃我校校园艺术氛围 ,彰显学生积极向上的精神风貌 ,丰富活跃第二课堂 ,切实提高学生的合唱艺术水平,推动我校学生合唱艺术的发展,从而提高学生的艺术修养和审美情趣 ,纳米体育城市森林学校小学部特举办“红歌伴我行 经典永传承”合唱比赛活动 。

To further promote the development of quality – oriented education in our school, enliven the campus artistic atmosphere, highlight the positive and upward mental outlook of the students, enrich and vitalize the second classroom, effectively improve the students’ chorus art level, and drive the development of students’ chorus art in our school, thereby enhancing the students’ artistic accomplishment and aesthetic taste, the primary school department of Cstar City Forest School especially holds the chorus competition activity of “Red Songs Accompany Us, Classics Are Inherited Forever”.

此次班级合唱比赛曲目 ,各班级分别演唱音乐教科书上的一首歌曲和一首红色爱国歌曲 ,旨在检验音乐课堂的教学成果 ,激发学生的爱国情感,引导学生们树立正确的价值观和人生观 ,现场气氛热烈,掌声不断 ,展现了森林少年的朝气与活力。


or the repertoires of this class chorus competition, each class sang one song from the music textbook and one red patriotic song respectively. It aims to examine the teaching achievements of the music class, stimulate the students’ patriotic feelings, and guide the students to establish correct values and outlooks on life. The atmosphere at the scene was warm with continuous applause, showing the vitality of the forest – school youths.



“Songs of the Strong Military”, “On Young China”, “We Are the Successors of Communism”, “China, My Love”, etc. Each song carries a profound history, conveys deep emotions, and sings out the students’ love and yearning for the motherland.


最佳音色奖一(1)班  二(3)班  三(3)班 四(4)班  五(实验)班

最佳风采奖明礼班  二(4)班  三实验班   四(1)班   五(1)班

最佳指挥奖明德班 崔悦汐        二二班 从家畅  三二班 胡钰潆   四二班翟怡然  五四班 张紫茼

明星小主持 黄筠妍     王彤睿   张淏   张庭豪 “红歌伴我行,经典永传承”。


在这场合唱比赛中 ,少年的梦想与爱国情怀交织,激励着每一个森林学子在末来的道路上不断前行。相信在不久的将来 ,森林学校的每一位学生都将以更加坚定的信念和昂扬的斗志,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴而努力奋斗。“Red Songs Accompany Us, Classics Are Inherited Forever.” In this chorus competition, the youths’ dreams and patriotic feelings are intertwined, inspiring every forest – school student to keep moving forward on the future path. It is believed that in the near future, every student in the forest school will work hard to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with a more firm belief and high morale.


https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/12981.html/feed 0
篮框下的荣耀:纳米体育城市森林学校第二届“森·BA”校园篮球总决赛 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/12920.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/12920.html#respond Thu, 07 Nov 2024 02:31:49 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=12920 秋日的暖阳洒满校园,纳米体育城市森林学校的篮球场上气氛热烈 ,历经两周的激烈比赛 ,我们终于来到了期待已久的“森·BA”篮球比赛总决赛现场!高一高二的同学们在年级的有序组织下,整齐地围坐在篮球场,翘首以盼为各自的战队加油助威 ,校领导悉数出席,见证这场青春的盛宴,他们的到来让这场赛事更添庄重与期待  。

The warm autumn sun covers the campus, and the atmosphere on the basketball court of Cstar City Forest School is lively. After two weeks of intense competition, we have finally arrived at the long-awaited “Forest BA” basketball tournament finals! Under the orderly organization of their grade, students from the first and second years of high school sat neatly around the playground, eagerly waiting to cheer for their respective teams. School leaders attended and witnessed this feast of youth. Their arrival added solemnity and anticipation to the event.


在李顺飞老师富有激情的介绍中,决赛的两支队伍 ,高一(6)班和高二(10)班的球员们隆重登场 。高一(6)班的队员们身着黑色球衣,如同夜色中的猎豹 ,神秘而迅猛,他们的眼神坚定,透露出不屈的斗志。高二(10)班则以鲜亮的绿色球衣亮相,如同春天里生机勃勃的新叶充满活力,他们的步伐轻盈,展现出青春的活力和对比赛的自信。随着双方球员、教练员以及班主任的入场 ,观众席上爆发出雷鸣般的掌声和欢呼声,球员们在场地中央列队 ,互相致意,随后紧握双手,准备迎接这场荣誉之战。

In the passionate introduction of the host, the two teams in the final, players from Class 6 of Grade 1 and Class 10 of Grade 2, made a grand appearance. The players of Class 6 in Grade 1 are dressed in black jerseys, like cheetahs in the night, mysterious and swift. Their eyes are firm, revealing an indomitable fighting spirit. Class 10, Grade 2, made their debut with bright green jerseys, just like the vibrant new leaves in spring. Their steps were light, showing youthful vitality and confidence in the game. As players, coaches, and homeroom teachers from both sides entered the stadium, thunderous applause and cheers erupted from the audience. The players lined up in the center of the field, greeted each other, and then clasped their hands tightly, ready to welcome this honor battle.

全体肃立 ,奏唱国歌。共同表达对国家荣誉的尊重,对体育精神的致敬!

All stand solemnly and sing the national anthem. To jointly express respect for national honor and pay tribute to the spirit of sports!

随着裁判的一声哨响,纳米体育城市森林学校第二届“森·BA”校园篮球联赛的决赛在紧张而兴奋的气氛中正式开赛 !

With the referee’s whistle, the final of the second “Forest BA” campus basketball league at Cstar City Forest School officially began in a tense and excited atmosphere!

比赛一开始 ,高一(6)班的77号球员刘启航就以一记精准的跳投拿下了首球,为高一(6)班赢得了开门红 。紧接着,高一(6)班的7号球员,人称“李三分”的李沛栩 ,以其标志性的远投再次为高一(6)班添分,一开场高一年级就展现出了猛烈的攻势。相比之下,高二的学长们虽然配合默契,但似乎还在熟悉对手的策略,得分稍稍落后。

At the beginning of the game, Liu Qihang, the 77th player of Class 6, scored his first goal with a precise jump shot, giving Class 6 a good start. Immediately afterwards, the 7th player of Class 6, known as “Li Sanfen” Li Peixu, once again added points to Class 6 with his iconic long-range shot. At the beginning, Class 6 showed a fierce attack. In contrast, although the senior students in their second year of high school cooperate well, they seem to be familiar with their opponents’ strategies and score slightly behind.

第二节比赛开始后 ,高二(10)班开始发力,尤其是35号球员赵永杰,在篮下连续抢到篮板球 ,他的出色表现帮助队友找到了得分机会,高二(10)班开始缩小比分差距,防守也变得更加严密,使得高一(6)班的进攻受到了一定阻碍 。上半场结束时,比分定格在24:26,高二(10)班以微弱优势领先。

After the start of the second quarter of the game, Class 10 of Grade 2 began to make efforts, especially Player 35 Zhao Yongjie, who continuously grabbed rebounds under the basket. His outstanding performance helped his teammates find scoring opportunities, and Class 10 of Grade 2 began to narrow the score gap. Their defense also became more rigorous, which hindered the attack of Class 6 of Grade 1 to a certain extent. At the end of the first half, the score was tied at 24:26, with Class 10 of Grade 2 leading by a slight margin.

下半场比赛,高二(10)班的状态越来越好 ,他们之间的配合更加默契。特别是号称“纳米体育威斯布鲁克”的王万森,他多次突破高一(6)班的防守,如入无人之境般在篮下轻松得分 。高一(6)班则在逆境中展现出了顽强的斗志 ,他们尝试通过三分球来追赶比分,但篮球总是在篮框上转了几圈后遗憾地掉落,这让全场观众都屏息凝神,唏嘘不已 。

In the second half of the game, the condition of Class 10 in Grade 2 is getting better and their cooperation is becoming more seamless. Especially Wang Wansen, who is known as the “West Star Westbrook”, has repeatedly broken through the defense of Class 6, Grade 1, and easily scored under the basket like entering a no man’s land. Class 6 of Grade 1 showed tenacious fighting spirit in adversity. They tried to catch up with the score through three pointers, but the basketball always fell regretfully after spinning a few laps on the basket, which made the entire audience hold their breath and sigh.

比赛进入到最后5分钟,双方球员都爆发出了惊人的能量,连续的进攻和防守转换让比赛进入了白热化阶段 。每个进球都伴随着观众的欢呼和掌声 ,紧张的气氛达到了顶点。

In the last 5 minutes of the game, both players unleashed astonishing energy, and the continuous transition between offense and defense brought the game to a white hot stage. Every goal was accompanied by cheers and applause from the audience, and the tense atmosphere reached its peak.

在全场观众“54321”的倒数声中,比赛结束的哨声响起 。高二(10)班以46:35的比分赢得了决赛,成为了纳米体育城市森林学校第二届“森·BA”校园篮球联赛的总冠军。礼花飞扬,彩带飘扬,同学们激动地冲上场 ,拥抱着每一位球员,教练员秦兵兵老师和班主任单倩如老师同样激动地注视着他们 ,为他们欢呼喝彩,庆祝这来之不易的胜利。

Amidst the countdown of the audience at 54321, the whistle for the end of the game sounded. Class 10 of Grade 2 won the final with a score of 46:35, becoming the overall champion of the second “Sen BA” campus basketball league of Cstar City Forest School. Fireworks flew and ribbons fluttered. The students excitedly rushed onto the field, embracing every player. Coach Qin Bingbing and homeroom teacher Shan Qianru also watched them excitedly, cheering and celebrating their hard won victory.


孙金豪校长为优秀组织的班级颁奖:七(2)班 、高二(6)班;

孙金豪校长为道德风尚奖的班级颁奖:八(4)班 高一(1)班 。

姚梅校长为各年级亚军班级颁奖 :七(2)班 ,八(3)班,九(3)班,高一(3)班,高二(5)班 。

黄永成校长为各年级冠军班级颁奖 :八(2)班 ,九(1)班 ,高一(6)班,高二(10)班。

孙丽宏校长为本届“森·BA”联赛MVP球员颁奖:九(1)班 朱家宏 ,高二(10)班王万森。



这场篮球决赛不仅是一场技术的较量 ,更是意志和团队精神的展现 。无论是胜利的高二(10)班 ,还是虽败犹荣的高一(6)班,他们都是这场精彩比赛的赢家,他们的表现将会被所有观众铭记。这场篮球赛不仅展现了学生们的体育精神 ,也加深了校园文化的内涵 ,让我们期待下一届“森·BA”篮球赛的到来,再次见证青春的激情与梦想 。

This basketball final is not only a technical competition, but also a display of willpower and team spirit. Whether it’s the victorious Class 10 of Grade 2 or the proud Class 6 of Grade 1, they are both the winners of this exciting competition, and their performances will be remembered by all the audience. This basketball game not only showcases the students’ sportsmanship, but also deepens the connotation of campus culture. Let us look forward to the arrival of the next “Sen BA” basketball game, once again witnessing the passion and dreams of youth.



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【家校共育】开放见证成长 携手共谋发展  https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/12894.html https://www.mdshaoyao.com/index.php/cat_5/12894.html#respond Fri, 19 Apr 2024 09:01:07 +0000 https://www.mdshaoyao.com/?p=12894 四月芳菲,温暖如约而至!小学部多元素养和一年级的家长走进美丽的森林校园,共同见证孩子的成长和进步。

April is a beautiful month, and warmth comes as promised!Preschool and first grade parents step into the beautiful forest campus, and witnessed the growth and progress of the children together

活动开始,小学部Mia校长为本次活动致辞,向大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎,同时Mia校长提出,这次家长开放日活动,是一次家长了解孩子成长、了解教师工作和学校办学思路的机会,是对老师教学工作的促进 ,更是对孩子在校期间课堂学习状态的一次检阅 。

At the beginning of the event, Principal Mia of the Primary School gave a speech to warmly welcome everyone to the event.At the same time,Principal Mia suggested that this Open Day is an opportunity for parents to listen to the class, to observe the children’s performance , and to feel the wisdom of the lively and passionate classroom.

最美的旋律是书声 ,最好的风景在课堂 。伴随着优美的铃声,家长在副班主任的带领下进班随堂听课,细心观察孩子们的表现 ,感受课堂上生动激情的智慧之花。

The most beautiful melody is the sound of books, and the best scenery is in the classroom. With the beautiful bell, parents step in class to listen to the class and carefully observe the performance and feelings of the children.The parents also have a good understanding of the children’s state of learning in the classroom.

课堂上 ,孩子们的听课状态认真专注 ,老师们的教学内容丰富有趣 、形式多样 ;家长们也沉浸在绘声绘色的精彩课堂。看到孩子们的成长和变化,家长们心里无比欢愉。活动结束后 ,家长们认真填写了反馈表。作为一个观摩者,他们为孩子的点滴进步喝彩,更为学校给孩子提供优质的教育教学点赞 。

Parents were overjoyed to see the growth and changes in their children.After the activity, the parents filled out the feedback form carefully.As an observer, they applauded the children’s progress, and they applauded the school for providing quality education and teaching to their children.

这次家长开放日活动是开放办学的见证,更是家校共育的行动。用心参与,发现美好。以爱相约,同心共育 !愿每一个森林学子都可以健康茁壮 ,成长为具有中国心的世界公民!

This Parents’ Open Day activity is a testimony of open school running and an action of home-school co-education. Participate with your heart and find beauty. Make an appointment with love and cultivate together with one heart! May every forest student be able to be healthy and strong and grow up to be a global citizen with a Chinese heart!

更多集团新闻 、校园资讯请关注学校公众号或登录纳米体育教育科技集团官网、郑州纳米体育城市森林学校官网。

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